making space for inspiration
Amélie's editorial

Portait d’Amélie Rajotte © Justine Latour
” I have never allocated a specific time dedicated to the emergence of ideas on my calendar. All ideas for my projects are coming to me randomly, when I am in a particular state of receptivity. A moment when my inner space connects with the outer space in perfect harmony. As artists, we are in constant search for those moments of epiphany. This observation came to me following the “Parcours Doux“, an activity imagined and organized by Anne Thériault during which we discussed the themes of wandering and listening. We all agreed on the importance of these space-times dedicated to observing and listening to our environment, but which we too often overlook or push at the bottom of our list. Yet, they should not be on the fringe of the artist’s work, but rather an integral part of it. It’s true that it’s difficult to induce those moments, but we can nevertheless practice this gathering of sensations, impressions and ideas. This is what the “Parcours Doux” propose in collectivity : meeting in order to roam. While participating as an artist-animator, I made a resolution: to give myself more time to observe and listen, to wander and roam creatively, without pressure or guilt. Simply because it is essential to my artistic practice.”
Editorial by Amélie from lorganisme newsletter, October 2021.
** A winter edition of the Parcours Doux is in preparation, stay tuned on our social networks **